Atomic toolkit for modelling

Brief Introduction

Atomkit is an open-source program for a custom modeling system which provides geometrical selection (e.g., slice, cubic, sphere, prism, polyhedron), multilevel region adjustment (e.g., move, deform, rotate) with boolean selection (e.g., and, or, not), and basic operations (e.g., add, delete, random displace, duplicate, deform);


  1. Atomistic modelling: ;


  • Ver.1.0.0 is the currently released, also the newest version. No update history available.


License statement: Atomkit is currently copyrighted and distributed free of charge for academic, scientific, and educational, and non-commercial users with our permission. Commercial users may also use this software with no cost until a license is established, or with a contract for payment for the patent or technical support. This software is provided 'as it is' without any expressed or implied warranty. If you use this code, please register via Registration Link or send an email with the registration form to the email:
